
实现更全国网赌正规平台未来, 建立弹性和信心, and strengthen your relationships with the help of supportive professionals. 蒙太奇的健康 offers complete mental, emotional, and behavioral healthcare, personalized to you.


Expect high-quality, affirming care in the setting best suited to your needs. 浏览 our services for different ages and conditions:

  • A 危机稳定小组 在社区医院, 旨在帮助成人, 青少年, and child 急诊科 patients who are experiencing a mental health crisis find a faster, 更有针对性的护理途径.
  • 住院病人 (过夜)成人看护在花园亭, 一个安全的, therapeutic unit at 蒙特利半岛社区医院
  • Ohana, a wide range of specialized programs for children, 青少年s, and their families
  • 门诊服务 (白天预约)给成年人, 包括咨询, 精神病学服务, 部分住院, 以及门诊重症监护
  • 药物滥用护理 for adults 18 years and older, including an alcohol and drug Intensive Outpatient Program

Count on us to also provide referrals to community resources that may benefit you.


If you or someone you care about needs immediate help due to a mental health emergency:

  • Go to the 蒙特利半岛社区医院 急诊科
    • 了解会发生什么 if you visit the emergency department seeking crisis intervention services for a mental health need. 
  • 联系你的医生或, if you're already getting inpatient care 在社区医院, 告诉你的护理团队


Ask for crisis intervention services, and you'll receive an assessment from a registered nurse (RN). You may also see an on-call psychiatrist (mental health specialist). We'll recommend services that can help you feel better as quickly as possible. 接下来的步骤可能包括:

  • Discharge from the 急诊科 with a plan to get further care on an outpatient basis or through our 部分住院 program (PHP)
  • 花园亭门票, 一个安全的 (but unlocked) inpatient unit 在社区医院 offering round-the-clock observation and intensive treatment
  • Transfer to a different facility for other types of care


Look to our skilled team for diagnosis and treatment of:

  • 成瘾和化学依赖
  • 焦虑症和惊恐发作
  • 注意缺陷/多动障碍
  • 双相情感障碍
  • 抑郁症
  • 解离性障碍
  • Eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder (BED)
  • 强迫症(OCD)
  • 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)
  • 精神病、精神分裂症或分裂情感性障碍
  • 自残行为和自杀想法



  • Changes in your eating habits, such as loss of appetite
  • 愤怒的感觉, 悲伤, 绝望, 内疚, 或者恐惧会影响你的工作能力, 去上学, 或者做你的日常活动
  • Hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that aren't real)
  • Insomnia (having trouble falling or staying asleep) or wanting to sleep all the time
  • Loss of ability to care for oneself by practicing good hygiene or taking care of daily tasks, 比如支付账单
  • 对平时喜欢的事情失去兴趣
  • 严重的情绪波动或能量水平变化
  • Thoughts or plans of hurting or killing yourself or others
  • 难以应对损失或悲伤
  • Trauma from a natural disaster, community violence, sexual assault, or domestic abuse


您不需要推荐就可以使用我们的服务. 如果你担心你认识或爱的人, 你可以把他们转给我们, 尤其是如果你是:

  • 监护人
  • 医生或其他专业人士
  • 朋友或家人

Appointments can only be scheduled with the consent of the patient or someone else who provides proof of guardianship or conservatorship.


对每个人来说, treatment begins with a thorough mental health assessment of current symptoms and personal and family mental health history. 您也可以接受诊断测试. Count on our helpful professionals to listen closely and create an individualized treatment plan.


With your permission, your care team may involve supportive friends and family in your care. 这可以:

  • Give your care team insight into how your condition affects your daily life and relationships
  • Let your care team educate your loved ones about your condition and give them support, 这样他们就能更好地支持你
  • 帮助加强你的人际关系


Find knowledgeable guidance from specialists who recognize everyone is different and deserving of personalized care. 你可以和:

  • 持牌临床社会工作者
  • 持牌婚姻和家庭治疗师
  • 神经心理学家
  • 精神科执业护士(NPs)
  • 精神病学家和儿童-青少年精神病学家
  • 心理学家
  • 注册护士和执业护士


请放心,我们接受大多数保险计划. However, we're only able to accept Medi-Cal coverage for inpatient care, not outpatient services.

你会收到社区医院的账单. 得到 常见问题的答案 about insurance plans Community 医院 accepts and available financial assistance.


需要帮助? 全国网赌正规平台.


If you or someone else has a mental health emergency:

  • 打911或者去 急诊科, where you'll receive a mental health assessment and safety plan from a trained crisis intervention team
  • 呼叫 or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or connect with a counselor online at 988年的生命线.org


即将到来的课程 & 事件

  • 9月
    This workshop prepares parents and community members who live or work with 3–11-year-olds to help youth develop skills and attitudes that enable them to build resilience.
  • 9月
    This workshop aims to support new parents as they navigate mental health shifts that might occur during the postpartum period. Learn how to prepare for potential challenges including sleep deprivation, 荷尔蒙的涌入, 意外的母乳喂养障碍, and changes that could occur in personal relationships.
  • 9月
    下午2:00 - 3:30
    Resilience empowers children to cope with life’s challenges in healthy ways, 承担适当的风险, 从错误中学习. This free class teaches participants ways to support resilience in babies 0–2 years old.
  • 9月
    下午3:00 - 4:30
    This workshop aims to bring insight into mood shifts during pregnancy and provide steps on taking initiative toward building strong mental fitness. We will briefly discuss the mental health of new parents after having a baby.